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The hotel is located at Calle Libertad #309, Granada.  It was programed to be opened the Spring of 2020. However, due to Covid-19 it remained closed. The hotel has 14 rooms with hot water,  a fully equipped restaurant and bar, third level terrace with a wet bar and bathroom. From the terrace you can see the lake. There are two bathrooms in the lobby area for the restaurant and bar guests. Also, a laundry room, lockers and separate full bathroom for the employees, storage area and an office as well as a center courtyard with a fountain and garden. The building has a security system with cameras and a  POS system. The hotel has all new equipment and fully furnished.  10 of the rooms are also fully furnished, all new furniture and equipment. It has a pool and a small pool area for children.                                                                                                               The investors are doctors from the U.S., one of them has now retired and would like to sell.

Basic Facts

Date added: 10/05/22 Post Updated: 2022-10-05 23:42:09 Status: Type:
  • Properties Qty: 44
  • Company: ICME TEAM HOUSE

This style property is located in is currently and has been listed on Green Real Estate Nicaragua. This property is listed at . It has bedrooms, bathrooms, and is . The property was built in year.